Symposium on ATMPs: Next-gen Therapies for Next-gen Patients

17/02/2025 - 12:49

Pediatric patients deserve access to the most innovative treatments, but how do we overcome the unique challenges of implementing advanced therapies like gene, cell, and tissue treatments in children?

On May 23, 2025, at Wintercircus Ghent, ‘Next-gen Therapies for Next-gen Patients’ brings together leading clinical experts in the field with academic, industry and regulatory stakeholders to discuss recent innovations and address key issues such as cross-border access, data collection, reimbursement, and the regulatory landscape in Belgium. The symposium features keynote addresses by Gloria Ghéquière (cabinet Vandenbroucke) on fostering access to ATMPs in Belgium and Europe, and Prof. Dr. Arjan Lankester (Leiden University Medical Center) on the journey from pre-clinical development to cross-border gene therapy.

Through in-depth presentations and engaging discussions, we aim to inspire innovation and collaboration to shape the future of pediatric ATMPs in Belgium.

Target audience

Healthcare, industry, government and regulatory professionals and researchers


Moderator: Hanne Decoutere

08:15 | Registration with coffee

08:45 | Word of welcome
Prof. Dr. Frank Vermassen, managing director, Ghent University Hospital

09:00 | Opening the conversation
Dr. Levi Hoste, Ghent University Hospital

Setting the scene with clinical and academic experts

09:10 | Gene therapy for inherited retinal blindness
Prof. Dr. Bart Leroy, Ghent University Hospital

09:30 | Gene therapy for neuromuscular disease
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Deconinck, HUDERF, HUB-ULB

09:50 | CAR-Ts in pediatric hemato-oncology
Prof. Dr. Barbara De Moerloose, Ghent University Hospital

10:10 | Production of ATMPs at UZ Gent
Dr. Tim Desmet, Ghent University

10:30 | Break

How to make next-gen therapies happen in Belgium and Europe?

11:00 | Regulation of ATMPs in Belgium
Claire Beuneu, FAGG-AFMPS

11:20 | Data collection and reimbursement of ATMPs in Belgium
Ingrid Maes, Inovigate

11:40 | Fostering access to ATMPs in a Belgian and European policy context
Gloria Ghéquière, cabinet minister Vandenbroucke

12:10 | Cross-border access of ATMPs
Dr. Amber Werbrouck, Hict

12:30 | Bringing it all together: From pre-clinical development to gene therapy across borders
Prof. Dr. Arjan Lankester, Leiden University Medical Center and AGORA initiative

13:00 | Discussion and wrap-up

13:15 | Lunch and networking

15:00 | Expected end

Practical information

Entry fee:

  • Students: € 40
  • MDs: € 40
  • Industry representatives: € 100
  • CRO/CRA: € 100
  • Government workers / others: € 40

Registering: You can register here until May 16. Your registration is only complete after paying the fee on account number BE20 0016 4482 4956 with the message CR/SPA/230 and your first and last name.

Accreditation: RIZIV-INAMI accreditation requested for medical doctors

Contact:, 09 332 98 02

This event is organized with support of:

  • Ghent University Hospital including involvement of the Department of Pediatrics, the Safepedrug-Clinical Trial Unit (SPD-CTU) and the Belgian Pediatric Clinical Research Network (BPCRN)
  • Roche, AstraZeneca, MSD, Orchard